Calculation of the Quality of Service of Telecommunication Message Service
Note: this calculator was made in relation to me as a telecommunications engineer and is not related to my formula (Haryadi Index or Harmony in Gradation)
In this calculator there are two calculations, which are: (1) Message Service End-to-End Delivery Time, and (2) Message Service Non-Accessibility
1.Message End-to-End Delivery Time
End-to-end delivery time is the duration is calculated since the start of the message sending from the sender station until the receiving-station received the message.
Beginning of the Message Sevice: Sender initiate to send the message and the “Access request” signal is sent by the sender equipment to the Message-server of the Service Provider.
The end of a successful process as the massage service was completed: the Message is received by the Terminating (= receiving) station which indicate in the presence of “Message Transfer” is received in sender station and recorded on the counters and timers in Message-server of the Service Provider.
Abstract Equation of Mesdsage end-to-End Delivery Time: Message end-to-end Delivery Time = the time when terminating station receives the message – the time when sender station sends the message
2.Message Service Non-Accessibility
The probability that Message Sender Station cannot access the Message service, while at the same time there is a display of the network indicators in Sender Equipment, which shows the Network-availability and the internet-accessibility are in the good condition.
Beginning of the Message Sevice: Sender initiate to send the message and the “Access request” signal is sent by the sender equipment to the Message-server of the Service Provider.
The end of a successful process of accessibility is the Sender Station receives the acknowledgment from the Message-server of the Service Provider, in the form of the delivery signal.
Abstract Equation of Meessage Service Non-Accessibility: Message Service Non-Accessibility (%) = (Unsuccessful Message attempts)/(all Message attempts) x100 %.
Sigit Haryadi. (2018, March 4). Performance Measurement of SMS and/or Chat Service. Retrieved from