Quality of Service Calculation of Internet Service
Note: this calculator was made in relation to me as a telecommunications engineer and is not related to my formula (Haryadi Index or Harmony in Gradation)
In this calculator there are two calculations, which are: (1) Data Rate of Internet Service , and (2) Quality of Service of Internet Protocol
1.Data Rate of Internet Service
a. Mean data rate parameter shows the value of the average speed of the data transmission, where average throughput values calculated since the start to build a data connection until the whole data is received successfully.
Accompanying the mean data rate report, it is important to report also the standard deviation.
b. The minimum data rate parameter shows 90% or 95 % of customers with the fastest data rate, which may also take a percentage larger or smaller than 90% or 95%.
Pre-condition for this parameter is User Station has managed to attach, the connection has been active since PDP context received, as well as the service has been successfully carried out.
Abstract Equation of Internet Service Data rate: Data rate(kbit/s) = (User Data Transferred (Mega bit))/(t_(data transfer complete)-t_(start of data transfer))
2.Quality of Service of Internet Protocol
Some important parameters on this type of measurement are: a)Internet Protocol Service non-accessibility, b)Internet Protocol Service Access Failure Ratio, and (c)Data Transfer Cut-off Ratio
Abstract Equation a.Internet Service Non Accessiblity(%)=(Unsuccessful Attempts to Reach the Point when contents is reveived)/(All Attemptes to reach the Point when contents is received) x100%, (b)Internet Service Access Failure(%)=(Unsuccessful Attempts to established internet connection to the server)/(All Attemptes to established internet connection to the server) x100%
, and (c)Data Transfer Ratio(%)=(Incomplete Data Transfer)/(Successful Started Sessions) x100%
Haryadi, S. (2018, March 5). Performance Measurement of Internet Service. Retrieved from osf.io/preprints/inarxiv/8exmu
Paper DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/8EXMU
Select your Calculation
Internet Service Non Accessibility
Indicates the probability of the User Station can not establish a PDP context and then can not access the internet access
Internet Service Access Failure Ratio
Indicates the probability of the user station cannot successfully establish the TCP/IP connection to the server of the service
Internet Data Transfer Cut-off ratio
The ratio between the incomplete data transfer and success data transfer.