Basic Calculation of the Telecommunication Network Availability and Reliability

Basic Calculation of the Telecommunication Network Availability and Reliability

Note: this calculator was made in relation to me as a telecommunications engineer and is not related to my formula (Haryadi Index or Harmony in Gradation)

In this calculator there are two calculations, which are: (1) Telecommunication Network Availability, and (2) Internet Network Reliability

1.Telecommunication Network Availability

The calculation is done by referring to the formula: Availability = (1 – (total down time/periode of measurement)) * 100%,
Where: Down Time = Time to repair + Testing time + Waiting, Movement & Coordination time

2.Internet Network Realibility

The calculation is done by referring to the formula: a.OEC (effective operational capacity) = the data transfer in Gbyte/ average capacity in Gbyte = the data transfer / (average capacity in Gbps*period of measurement); b.Handling overhead = H / (1-H) where H = the ratio of the number of transmission units, bits, or characters used to specify handling in the ith exchange unit sampled and the corresponding total number of transmission units, bits, or characters in the ith information exchange unit;
c.Encoding Overhead = EO = total bits for encoding purposes / total bits in a message after encoding; d.Throughput Efficiency = 1 / {(1+the probability that a transmission unit will be retransmitted)*(1+the probability that an information exchange unit will have to be retransmitted)};
f.Transaction Time =([injected data *(1+handling overhead)*(1+Encoding overhead)])/((average transmission speed*Throughput Efficiency)).


my article “Basic Calculation of the Network Availability and Reliability (Chapter 4 of Network Performance and Quality of Service)” in

Select your Calculation

Please select a valid type.


  • Hi

    Ratio of the number of transmission units, bits, or characters used to specify handling in the ith exchange unit sampled and the corresponding total number of transmission units, bits, or characters in the ith information exchange unit

  • EO

    Ratio between number of bits for encoding purposes and total bits in a message after encoding

  • Rtu

    Probability that a transmission unit will be retransmitted

  • Riu

    Probability that an information exchange unit will have to be retransmitted

  • ber

    Average transmission speed

  • dtr

    Total data transfer in second

Internet Network Reliability

Data input must use the same unit

Please fill a valid value.

Please fill a valid value.

Please fill a valid value.

Please fill a valid value.

Please fill a valid value.

Please fill a valid value.


  • Operational Effective Capacity:

  • Handling Overhead:
  • Transaction Time:
  • Throughput Efficiency:
  • Quality of Internet Network (not judge the provider revenue effectiveness):

General Network Availability

Fill the value of Observation and Down Time in the same unit
Observation Time

Please fill a valid value.
the first step of Down Time (network element failure trace):

Please fill a valid value.
the second step of Down Time (waiting, movement, and coordination)

Please fill a valid value.
the 3rd step of Down Time (time to repair)

Please fill a valid value.
the 3rd step of Down Time (testing)

Please fill a valid value.


  • Network Availability:
  • Quality: